Here's a nice n' easy DIY tool to help improve sleep - your body's natural repair system.
Good sleep helps our bodies repair and replenish so that we can live life to the fullest.
“Health is the first muse, and sleep is the condition to produce it.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

To learn more about ear seeds you can visit my previous post where I explain what ear seeds are. This post is dedicated to showing you how to use ear seeds for improving sleep.
What you will need:
4 ear seeds
An acupressure ear map (scroll down)
A mirror OR someone who can put your ear seeds on for you
Optional: A pair of tweezers — not necessary but will make it easier to pinpoint where you put the seed
How to:
Place the ear seed on the acupressure points circled in red below on one ear
Leave on for 2–3 days - showering is fine. If it irritates your skin, just take it off
Switch off ears every 2–3 days - to give your ear time to rest
Massage each point at least 3x/day - the more often you do it, the better
Sore points means it is needed more - those are areas that need better circulation
*Just a quick heads up everyone’s ear anatomy has slight differences.

MOMA Worthy Ear Chart IMO. Circled in green are points for sleep management.
Keep in mind: There are many different protocols for each condition but this is the one I use. You can definitely improvise (add or subtract points) as you like. If you have shoulder pain, add in a shoulder point!
My patients have told me that ear seeds have helped them sleep better and feel more rested. It's crazy how simple little seeds can make such an impact! Like most things in life, the key to this is consistency.
If you decide to try it, have fun and let me know how it goes!