Q: Does it hurt?
No, maybe initially you may feel a slight prick in the beginning for more sensitive points but those sensations quickly fade. Other sensations that you will feel are numbness, tingling, warmth, buzzing, pressure, and soreness/ache. These are desired sensations indicating that blood flow has increased in that area/channel/pathway, etc.
Q: Will I bleed?
Most points don’t bleed but occasionally we will have a bleeder - just a tiny drop or two. We don’t have superman x-ray vision. There are millions of capillaries and once in a while a point will bleed a drop of blood and worst case it’ll produce a small bruise that will be gone in a few days.
Q: Will it leave a visible hole in my body?
Unless you had one, to begin with! Just kidding. The needles are extremely thin and tiny, there usually is no evidence a needle was even placed in a spot after the treatment.
Q: How many needles?
It depends on what you want to have addressed but it commonly ranges from 4-20 needles.
Q: Do you charge per needle?
Q: Does having more needles mean better results?
Nope. Everyone comes for different issues with differences in body physiology and conditions. We cater to the individual’s specific needs and use different points, techniques, and needle quantities as needed for that person.
Q: Are there side effects to acupuncture?
Yes! Positive ones - better poop, better mood, better sleep. Those sound dangerous don't they? Dangerously addicting. As these are the only needles I recommend getting addicted to.
Q: How long will it take for me to see results?
This also depends on what you want to have addressed. Generally if it’s something you’ve been dealing with recently, it’ll take less treatments. Likewise if you’ve been dealing with the issue for a longer period of time, you’ll need more treatments to see results.
2-6 treatments to start is generally enough to start seeing results for most problems. If by the 6th treatment, there is no improvement, I will not waste your time and resources and will refer out to a different specialist as acupuncture may not be the solution for you.
Q: How frequently should I get acupuncture?
Again, this depends on multiple factors:
What is the problem? (Ie. An acute hamstring strain responds much faster than an arthritic joint.)
Lifestyle? If you are a computer programmer who has tendonitis or carpal tunnel from overuse, but you still need to use the injured area constantly - it may take a longer duration.
Age, body constitution, body condition.
Acupuncture has cumulative effects meaning the more frequently you receive acupuncture the faster you’ll see results. Like all other therapies (physical therapy, chiropractor, medical doctor, etc.), there needs to be a commitment to consistency and frequency of a treatment plan.
Q: I already work with a physical therapist and/or chiropractor for my pain, how is acupuncture different and how will it help me?
Having a care team of different specialties is amazing as every profession has something different to offer.
For acupuncture, we are able to help release deeper muscles and get to deeper structures that you can’t reach with manual therapy. I joke with my patients that the needles can go where the hands can't go. It is extremely effective for resetting and restoring tissue quality.
Acupuncture also helps with circulation throughout the entire body and can help address some deeper underlying issues beyond musculoskeletal issues.
In addition, you usually get some time to rest and take a nap after the needles are inserted. This “Acu-nap” helps your body restore and rejuvenate to help with the pain. All you have to do is chill and relax, let us do the heavy lifting!
Q: Will this hurt, should I take painkillers before my appointment?
Acupuncture needles are extremely thin and you barely feel it if at all. You do not need painkillers.
Q: What should I wear to my acupuncture appointment?
Loose clothing is best. We will need access to your knees and or elbows. But we also provide sheets if you need to change out of your clothing. Bring shorts if you have lower extremity issues.
Don't worry this is not a fashion show, you can come in PJs cause you're here to take a nap and rest. I do appreciate fun fits if you insist!
Q: Should I come on an empty stomach?
Heck No! Make sure you have had a meal or a light snack within 3 hours before your session! Acupuncture works by accessing your body’s resources. Having food and natural resources (i.e. fuel in your body) will help maximize your treatment.
Q: Is it ok to work out after acupuncture?
It’s ok to work out but in order to maximize the full benefits of your acupuncture session, we say it's best if you take it easy and have a restful rest of the day. Ideally, you get acupuncture on your rest day! Save leg day for tomorrow.
Q: Do I have to tip for acupuncture?
You don’t tip your primary care doctor so likewise, you don’t need to tip your acupuncturist. Acupuncture is a medical service so no tipping is required.